Hourly Lessons and “Blocks”

1 hour                                                                                                      £40.00

1.5 hours                                                                                                  £60.00

2 hours                                                                                                    £80.00

6 Hour Block*                                                                                          £237.00

12 Hour Block*                                                                                           £468.00

24 Hour Block*                                                                                          £924.00

36 Hour Block*                                                                                           £1368.00

48 Hour Block*                                                                                            £1800.00


* For the Block discounted prices, they must be paid for in advance.


Test Day fee                                                                                                  £70.00

(includes pick up from home, 1 hour pre-test practice, use of car for test and return home)

Intensive Courses – Guidance & Prices

  • Which Course?? Unless you are a complete novice (in which case I would generally recommend the Full Service Course) or you have recently had an unsuccessful Practical Driving Test (in which case the Full Steam Ahead Course would be most appropriate) then you will need to have a 1.5 hour Assessment Lesson to determine which Intensive Course is most appropriate for you.

  • If, having enrolled in any particular Intensive Course, it becomes apparent to the instructor that the course is unnecessarily long (IE you are making very good progress) then it will be possible to shorten the length of the Course by increments of 6 hours for which a pro rata refund will be paid.

  • The price of all Intensive Courses includes the cost of the Practical Driving Test (currently £62.00) and the Test Day fee (£70.00 which pays for the use of the car for the Test, 1 hour’s practice prior to the Test and collection from and return to home).

  • Practical Tests will be booked, in consultation with the pupil, to coincide with as near the end of the Intensive Course as is possible.

  • Intensive Course sessions will usually last from 3 to 6 hours. These sessions do not necessarily have to be taken on consecutive days, however, for a good momentum to be achieved, there should be at least 6 hours of tuition per week. Sessions will be arranged with the pupil as the course progresses.


Full Service (48 hours)                                                                                             £1932.00

For novice drivers with no previous experience.


At The Wheel (36 hours)                                                                                          £1500.00

For learners who are familiar with the controls and have had some basic road experience.


Round And About (24 hours)                                                                                £1056.00

For learners who have a reasonably good practical knowledge of driving and are familiar with the various manoeuvres.


Nearly There (12 hours)                                                                                        £600.00

For those near Test standard – just needing some fine tuning.


Full Steam Ahead (6 hours)                                                                                   £369.00

For recent Test fails or those needing a pre-Test brush up.


1.5 Hour Assessment                                                                                                      £50.00

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